Hello. This website is owned by Vaanes (thats me!)
My intent when making this site was similar to other people who own places like this right now. I like having a place of my own which is (somewhat) free of the rules and restrictions of the three or four main platforms that many people congregate to on the modern internet. Not only a place where I can say what i want, but also which I can craft into what I want.
So, I set about learning a little HTML and CSS. It proved to be fairly enjoyable and not quite as difficult as I imagined, considering I have little experience in programming languages or anything related.
I am quite happy with what I have made so far and intend to update as I go along with pages for some information about me, and some blog-style content about my interests too.
I am also working on making an 88x31 gif button for my site and I will try and update the site a fair amount.
Thanks for visiting!
-Clean up main page, add scrolling gifs with links
-Develop other pages - games, WH, music, aboutme